Friday, July 10, 2009

Max's Fight...

After spending an evening home the Gust family received some bad news. News that we could have never been prepared for. After blood work and some tests that were performed Monday we found out that Max was sick. He had lost 16% of his body weight from birth (1 pound) and had low levels of fluids, especially within his kidneys. Max was diagnosed with Hydrofronosis, which affects the bladder, ureters and kidneys. We rushed Max to Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Monday evening. Max spent his first night in intensive care. After endless pokes and to many cords to count we prepared for the fight of our lives. On Wednesday a test was performed and confirmed that Max had an extra valve between his bladder and urethra and was causing blockage and reflex of urine back into his bowel and kidneys. A procedure would need to be performed to remove the valve. As we write this blog, we are currently awaiting a larger catheter that is needed to perform the procedure as well as levels within his kidneys to lower.
We have been able to stay by Max's side throughout this painful and trying time. Max is one strong little boy, stronger than his mom and dad at times and is showing no signs of giving up. The good lord has given us the best place to go to with exceptional doctors and nurses, we know that Max is in good hands. We are not sure how long our stay will be here but we are willing to stay as long as we need to to get this little boy strong and healthy.
Thank you for all your love, prayers and support, it is what keeps us going each day. If you would like to get in touch with us you may do so by our cell phones or our direct room number is (414) 607-5224. We will continue to try to keep everyone updated through this blog.


  1. Kelly & Travis - Our thoughts and prayers are with you both and Max too. It sounds like you're staying strong for the little guy! We too went through a little scare in Mya's first week and I vividly remember the anxiety and fear. You are in great hands (thank heaven for wonderful doctors and nurses) and I'm sure Max will sail threw this difficult time. Again, you have all our prayers! Love! - The Flaker (Jenny, Preston and Mya too)

  2. We've been thinking about you all these last few days. You are both stronger than you think you are - you're doing an excellent job of taking care of Max. This parenting thing isn't easy, huh?

    Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help. Hugs and kisses.

    -Tiff, Casey and Evan

  3. You are all in our thoughts. Stay strong.

    Much love from Marquette-
    Aaron and Thyra

  4. The Ziemer family is thinking of you, and praying for little Max to get better soon.
    You're at a great facility; I know he's getting the best care.

    All of our love!
    Missy, Chris & Libby

  5. You are all in our thoughts and prayers!

    I too believe you are at a GREAT facility having experienced the one in the Valley with the triplets there is no better place!

    Madi has kidney reflux as well and has been treated with antibiotics for 1 yr then retesting to see if it corrected it self if not we may opt for an out patient procedure to correct it because I don't like the idea of antibiotics for so long. She is getting retested Wednesday.

    Take Care and give Max a big kiss and hug from The Hansens!!

  6. Hang in there. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to have you all home soon so I can meet handsome Maxwell. Big hugs to you all.
