Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Albuquerque Trip

The Gust family traveled to Albuquerque to visit Grandpa Gust as well as Aunt Tammy and Uncle Jon at the end of January. As many of you know Grandpa Gust has been battleing cancer and has been staying with Travis's sister and husband since the fall. We missed Grandpa at Christmas and we couldn't of thought of a better way to spend a vacation then with a visit to Albuquerque.
This was a trip of many firsts for Max. His first vacation, first time on an airplane, first time meeting uncle Jon and Aunt Tammy and meeting lots of fury friends. Max did very well with traveling and enjoyed all the attention. We enjoyed our time with the family and took in some sight seeing while we were there. Here are some snap shots of our stay...
Max's First Airplane ride
Grandpa Max with Maxwell

Aunt Tammy and Max

Kelly captured some great moments with Grandpa, Travis & Max

The Roberts home
Max meeting Uncle Jon & Aunt Tammy's animals
Kelly caught this shot of Max hanging out in the hay bails
Mom and Max enjoying the outside without snow!! However, while we were there it did snow a bit...crazy mother-nature...snowing in Albq., New Mexico!!
These are some of images Kelly took while we were out sight seeing.
This is the sight we saw as we drove up into one of the mountains. There is a ski hill and lodge located on this mountain as well. I guess you could say that all this snow didn't make us home sick at all because we felt as though we were back in Wisc., minus the mountains!
Thank you Uncle Jon and Aunt Tammy for opening up your home to us. We enjoyed the love, food, great conversation and laughter you gave to us We look forward to many more trips as Max grows older.
We will continue to pray that the good Lord blesses Grandpa with strength and courage to keep on battling. WE LOVE YOU GRANDPA MAX!!!

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